Mystery of consciousness

Mystery of consciousness

Consciousness has baffled thinkers from ages. We don’t understand it. We don’t get it. And that is baffling in itself. Because we are conscious, all of us.

One thing that messes with people who think about this topic is the murky nature of consciousness. To a scientist it looks like the consciousness resides in the brain. Of course it does, if you temper with brain in any form the consequences are clear as day on our perception and senses. Do a little tweak in an area of brain and you might stop seeing green color or any color for that matter. You can damage your nerve network and loose sensation of touch.

Two sides of consciousness

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It seems so obvious in this way that your conscious experience is all part of your physical body. There is no mystical or mysterious side to it. However, you may control or temper with the conscious experience, but you can’t explain experiences themselves with the physical body and brain. For example, there is no sensation of touch in your brain, there are just chemical and electrical signals.

Now, you may say yes these are the signals that brain interpret to produce sensation of touch, but the problem is sensation of touch is the realm of experience not electrical signals. There is no sensation of touch outside of experience, just like there is no green color outside of experience.

There is no green color in the universe, not even in your brain. There is no sound in universe, for sound to exist you need someone conscious. Sound is an experience; it doesn’t exist outside of that.

So, what is consciousness? Is it originating in brain, because it seems to follow the mechanism of brain, or is it something more or different than that, as it deals with the realm of experience.

A conscious reality

One thing I have always said that we are nothing more than the continuity or sequence of experiences, you cannot exist outside of your experience. For example, you don’t exist when you are in deep sleep because there is no experience. If you have any problem with my assertion, I invite you to think about it. What is a consciousness without any sort of experience.

Mind you, consciousness is not a physical thing. You perceive physical things with consciousness. Now, what is it without any experience. It does not exist, simple. Just like a person without any experience is unconscious or in other words not conscious.

He will only be conscious when he can experience again. So, if we carry this understanding with us in the matter of consciousness, we may find that consciousness is nothing but a sequence of experiences. Now let’s talk about the physical world, I previously said that touch does not exist in the physical universe, it is the property of our consciousness.

However, the thing is, everything in the physical world is nothing but an experience. You cannot point to one thing in the universe that is not our experience. Everything that we see to hear to touch to feel is nothing but our experience. The universe we deal with is made up of our experience. Even our brain as a physical entity is just one of our observations and nothing else.

The problem with saying that yes, these things are our experiences but there is also a universe outside of our perception, is that when you take all of the properties of universe which are given by you, out of the universe. The universe is lift with nothing.

Laws of experience and mind

It seems to me that our mind has laws just like the laws of physics. Or in other words laws of physics are nothing but the laws of your mind. Our minds are relative to each other, so we live in a functional world. Or you can say that we live in a collective dream.

But then why is it that any change in our physical brain also affect our mind and experiences. Well, it seems that we have a bias here, we are trying to think in only one direction. It’s a two-way system. Every time you make a change in the physical world it also has an impact on your experience of it. Like if someone break a chair when you were not present you will find a broken chair when you see the chair again. As I said the mind has laws like the laws of physics, they are unchangeable, at least, as far as perceived.

Any tempering in your brain is just that, it is tempring in your mind. And it is not even from outside, you perceive it as from outside. There is no outside, as I said before the world you see is your experience, it is not outside of you. There is no outside or inside.

So, this world is a little more real dream than the dreams you have while you sleep. What happens in dream is your experience which creates new experience so on and so forth.

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