Being lethargic have no perks you may think but you may know a story about a guy who was given a chance to have the land he can cover in a day on legs. It’s a well-known story. He died from exhaustion by the evening and in the end, he could only have 7 feet […]
Your father died a couple of days ago, you are sitting on a bench and crying, suddenly someone put a hand on your shoulder and asks you why you are crying, in a fit of sorrow you tell him the reason. The person takes a deep breath and tells you that his father also died […]
Solipsism is an idea that you can never be sure of anything existing other than your own experiences. One thing you can be sure of without a doubt is what you are experiencing right now, but does anything exist beyond your experience? It’s really a frustrating idea if one can wrap their head around it […]
Read more philosophy blogs here Sitting on the chair at my grandpa’s house while sipping some tea, I took a view of the dying day in, as the dim sun started setting down at the horizon spreading an orange hue over the scattered plain clouds, over one third of the sky. The view was mesmerizing, […]
Read more philosophy blogs here The misery is considered as a wide spectrum which contains many kinds like physical, emotional and mental and some add spiritual too. You come to consciousness one day and you realize that you are, and you are here with many others, so many others. At first you meet an illusion, […]